Cool cats: 5 hints against summer heat

1. Keep the apartment itself as cool as possible.

In the morning, when it's still chilly outside, we recommend opening the windows and ventilating the apartment with fresh, cool air. It's advisable to minimize direct sunlight during the day. Roller shutters and blinds are effective options for achieving this, as well as using protective films. It's particularly important to consider such protection for penthouses.

The windows should also be secured, of course, so that no accidents happen if the house pets are too curious.


2. Offer a cool retreat.

In some apartments this is difficult. If there is no cellar, the cool tiles in the bathroom are also well accepted.


3. Always provide enough water.

To keep the fluid balance in the body stable, the four-legged friends also need more water in the summer. Here it is advisable to place accordingly many water bowls, which are always filled with fresh water. Drinking fountains are also very popular.


4. Intensify coat care.

In warm temperatures, cats lose more fur. Therefore, the house cat should be brushed regularly. In the case of outdoor cats, the coat should also be checked for parasites such as ticks.


5. Caution with air conditioners and Co.

Mostly they are a welcome cooling, but in cats air conditioners and fans can cause conjunctivitis and colds.